And the Moral of the Story Is: Keep It Positive
The New York Times: The slower pace of summer means more time to tell stories to our kids, whether it’s around a campfire or in a car on the long, long trip to our vacation
Is One of the Most Popular Psychology Experiments Worthless?
The Atlantic: Harvard University justice professor Michael J. Sandel stood before a lecture hall filled with students recently and presented them with an age-old moral quandary: “Suppose you’re the driver of a trolley car, and your trolley
The 9-to-5 workday is practically an invitation to ethical lapses. Here’s why.
The Washington Post: Do you consider yourself an ethical person? Chances are you answered “yes,” but new research suggests that our ability to act honestly in a given situation is dependent, in part, on the time
Morning People Are More Likely to Lie to Their Bosses in the Afternoon
The Atlantic: There are morning people and there are evening people; there is ethical behavior and there is unethical behavior. That much we know, and previous attempts to suss out how those categories overlap with
Early risers ‘less moral at night’
BBC: “Morning people”, who are more alert early in the day, are more likely to cheat and behave unethically in the night hours, researchers say. Psychologists found that early-rising “larks” and late-night “owls” had different
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Moral Ties That Bind . . . Even to Out-Groups: The Interactive Effect of Moral Identity and the Binding Moral Foundations Isaac H. Smith, Karl Aquino