Basic Ratio Capacity May Serve as Building Block for Math Knowledge
Understanding fractions is a critical mathematical ability, and yet it’s one that continues to confound a lot of people well into adulthood. New research finds evidence for an innate ratio processing ability that may play
Less Pain, Less Joy: A New Look at Acetaminophen
The Wall Street Journal: Consider this trade-off the next time you have a headache: Would you take a medicine that didn’t just ease the pain but muffled your happiness too? A recent study suggests that
New Research in Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Genes Unite Executive Functions in Childhood Laura E. Engelhardt, Daniel A. Briley, Frank D. Mann, K. Paige Harden, and Elliot M. Tucker-Drob Research has shown that the
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Turbulent Times, Rocky Relationships: Relational Consequences of Experiencing Physical Instability Amanda L. Forest, David R. Kille, Joanne V. Wood, and Lindsay R. Stehouwer Can physical instability lead
2nd World Conference on Personality
The 2nd World Conference on Personality will be held March 31–April 4, 2016, in Búzios, Brazil. For more information, visit www.perpsy2016.com.
The Shakespeare Algorithm
The New Yorker: In 1727, a writer and editor named Lewis Theobald was preparing to unveil “Double Falsehood,” a tragicomedy that he said was based on manuscripts of a lost play by Shakespeare. “The good