2019 – 2020 American Philosophical Society Grants
The American Philosophical Society is accepting applications for the Franklin and Lewis and Clark research grants.
NATO Grants for the Science of Peace and Security
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization Science for Peace and Security Programme provides funding for multi-year research and development projects related to security and NATO’s strategic objectives. Applications must be submitted jointly by a scientist residing and working in a NATO country and at least one co-director in a Partner country.
NSF Launches New Program to Fund Integrative Science
The National Science Foundation has announced a new NSF-wide program called Growing Convergence Research. Through this program, NSF looks to fund research proposals on the topic of integrative, interdisciplinary team research that addresses complex social problems.
9th Annual Varda Shoham Clinical Scientist Training Initiative Grant Applications Open
The Program Committee for ICPS 2019. The APS Annual Convention is shaped substantially by the Program Committee. The Committee’s ideas, experiences, and efforts form each Annual Convention.
MacArthur “genius” Kristina Olson created the first long-term study of transgender children
It’s been a pretty good year for University of Washington psychologist Kristina Olson. She became the first psychologist (and the first UW scientist) to receive the National Science Foundation’s prestigious $1 million Waterman award, and
MacArthur ‘genius’ grant winners ponder a new future: ‘Your life can change in an instant.’
Kristina Olson has always been fascinated by questions of gender. As a psychologist, she’d studied how children behaved in social groups, and five years ago, she decided she wanted to know more about transgender children