We Love to Be Scared on Halloween But Fears and Phobias Are No Laughing Matter
Fear is a critical survival tool — but too much can be debilitating, resulting in an anxiety disorder or phobia.
Fatal Attraction
In the Wake of 9/11 The Psychology of Terror By Tom Pyszczynski, Sheldon Solomon, and Jeff Greenberg “Republican leaders said yesterday that they would repeatedly remind the nation of the Sept. 11 attacks as their
Invited Symposium: Meet the Amygdala
A More Social View of the Human Amygdala Paul Whalen, chair University of Wisconsin-Madison Presenters Elizabeth A. Phelps New York University Andrea Heberlein University of Pennsylvania/ Chidren’s Hospital of Philadelphia William Kelley Dartmouth College Studies
Observer Forum: Befriending Taylor’s Research
SHELLEY TAYLOR’S FIGHT-OR-FLIGHT research [Observer, January 2004] was very insightful, and I can draw an analogy of her work with that of Carol Gilligan, in teasing apart the subtleties of sex-based differences between females and
Do We Fear the Right Things?
DAVID G. MYERS “Freedom and fear are at war,” President Bush has told us. The terrorists’ goal, he says, is “not only to kill and maim and destroy” but to frighten us into inaction.
Fear, Anxiety, and Depression: Evolution, Processing, and Disorders