The Genetics of Fear: Study Suggests Specific Genetic Variations Contribute to Anxiety Disorders
Researchers have identified a genetic variation that may explain why Individuals diagnosed with anxiety disorders are quick to learn to fear a stimulus but have a difficult time getting rid of that fear.
Constructing Emotion: The Fundamental Components of Fear
During a crisis, our behavior can often be unpredictable. Some people might respond with anger, others with fear and still others may show no reaction at all. The nature of emotion is so basic and
Religion can comfort or terrorize in response to death concerns
To many people, death is seen as a frightening concept. Although it is in general a common theme in books, music, and movies, we prefer to keep thoughts of our own death to a minimum.
The Evolution of Aversion: Why Even Children are Fearful of Snakes
Some of the oldest tales and wisest mythology allude to the snake as a mischievous seducer, dangerous foe or powerful iconoclast; however, the legend surrounding this proverbial predator may not be based solely on fantasy.
From Terror to Joy: Faced with Death, Our Minds Turn to Happier Thoughts
Philosophers and scientists have long been interested in how the mind processes the inevitability of death, both cognitively and emotionally. One would expect, for example, that reminders of our mortality–say the sudden death of a
Man’s Best Friend Lends Insight into Human Evolution
Flexibly drawing inferences about the intentions of other individuals in order to cooperate in complex tasks is a basic part of everyday life that we humans take for granted. But, according to evolutionary psychologist Brian