Hole-y Phobia May Have Evolutionary Origins
Scientific American: If the sight of Swiss cheese makes you melt or the thought of a honeycomb gets you buzzing, you may suffer from trypophobia, the most common phobia that you’ve probably never heard of.
Now! Later. No, right now! Maybe in a bit.
Procrastination and impulsivity are both bad habits. They cause problems in school, at work, in life. But psychologically, they would seem to have little in common. Impulsivity, after all, is all about now—wanting and needing
Study finds women may be more likely to have fling with wide-headed men
Wired: Are you a man with a wide head in search of a fling? If so, you’re in luck, as according to a new study in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological
Wider-Faced Dates More Attractive as Short-Term Mates
Women may perceive men with wider faces as more dominant and more attractive for short-term relationships, according to a new study in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. “Our study shows
Infants Know Plants Provide Food, but Need to See They’re Safe to Eat
Infants as young as six months old tend to expect that plants are food sources, but only after an adult shows them that the food is safe to eat, according to new research published in
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Attitudes Toward Arab Ascendance: Israeli and Global Perspectives Felicia Pratto, Tamar Saguy, Andrew L. Stewart, Davide Morselli, Rob Foels, Antonio Aiello, Maria Aranda, Atilla Cidam, Xenia