I Totally Empathize With You…Sometimes: Effects of Empathy on Ethnic Group Interactions
Thinking about other ethnic groups in the abstract may lead to different feelings than those we actually experience during interactions with members of those groups.
Cry Me a River: The Psychology of Crying
We’ve all experienced a “good cry”—whether following a breakup or just after a really stressful day, shedding some tears can often make us feel better and help us put things in perspective. But why is
Are Power and Compassion Mutually Exclusive?
The fact that many cultures emphasize the concept of “noblesse oblige” (the idea that with great power and prestige come responsibilities) suggests that power may diminish a tendency to help others. Psychologist Gerben A. van
Phony Friends? Rejected People Better Able to Spot Fake Smiles
“There are hundreds of languages in the world, but a smile speaks them all.” It’s true too—next time you are lost in a foreign country, just flash a smile and the locals will be happy
Deal or No Deal? The Role of Emotions in Negotiating Offers
A series of experiments reveal whether people who trust their feelings (and those who do not) handle themselves in the art of negotiation.
Those Were the Days: Counteracting Loneliness with Nostalgia
Nostalgia amplifies perceptions of social support and may be helpful in overcoming feelings of loneliness, researchers find.