New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on how mnemonic content and hippocampal patterns shape our judgment of time, well-being and cognitive resilience, face familiarization, the prioritization of due process, and much more.
Research Briefs
Recent highlights from APS journals articles on learned cognitive flexibility, visual short-term memory across multiple fixations, spatial cognition and its malleability, and much more.
When Caregivers Care Too Much: Emotional Empathy and Mental Health
When a person receiving care has dementia, the caregiver is much more likely to experience depression or anxiety, especially if they have high levels of emotional empathy.
When Caregivers Care Too Much: Emotional Empathy as a Mental Health Risk Factor
When a person receiving care has dementia, the caregiver is much more likely to experience depression or anxiety, especially if they have high levels of emotional empathy.
Schooling Is Critical for Cognitive Health Throughout Life
Education provides little protection against the onset of cognitive declines but can boost the cognitive skills. [August 10, 2020]
A Brain Implant Improved Memory, Scientists Report
Scientists have developed a brain implant that noticeably boosted memory in its first serious test run, perhaps offering a promising new strategy to treat dementia, traumatic brain injuries and other conditions that damage memory. The