Beliefs About Uncommitted Sex May Put Marriages at Risk
An individual’s behaviors and attitudes in relation to uncommitted sexual relationships, even before the marriage, can contribute to marital satisfaction or dissolution.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring memory and stress-induced cannabis craving, predicting suicidal thoughts and nonfatal attempts, the influence of stress on depression and substance use among same-sex couples, and heterogeneity of the anxiety-related attention bias.
People With Happy Spouses May Live Longer
Having a happy spouse can lead to a longer marriage, and now study results show that it’s associated with a longer life, too.
How Smartphones Are Affecting Our Relationships
The allure of smartphones, and their impact on our relationships, might be the result of our evolutionary history, researchers suggest.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring how we think about our interests, language and visual consciousness, and nonverbal behavior in close relationships.
Struggling Relationship? Science Says Puppy Pictures May Help.
National Geographic: Struggling to stay happy in a long-distance relationship? Here, have some puppy pictures. It may sound like a mere distraction, but a new study published this week in Psychological Science found that people