Taming temper tantrums: Are you doing it wrong?
Today: Research shows that 70 percent of children throw temper tantrums, according to parenting expert Michele Borba. Wait, what? Who are these 30 percent of calm children, and where can I get one? Just kidding
What’s the best way to phrase requests for maximum compliance?
Business Insider: Men’s Health covers a study in Psychological Science: If a direction seems final, people just accept it, explains researcher Kristin Laurin, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Waterloo. But if there is
Better Angels at Work
Huffington Post: In his new book The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker argues that the world is becoming less violent because of an increase in intelligence and
Tantrum Tamer: New Ways Parents Can Stop Bad Behavior
The Wall Street Journal: Forget everything you may have read about coping with children’s temper tantrums. Time-outs, sticker charts, television denial—for many, none of these measures will actually result in long-term behavior change, according to
Can romance be reduced to pronouns?
Edmonton Journal: People have struggled for years to figure out what makes a good relationship. Is it common interests? Argument styles? Face shapes? Now, a Texas psychologist says his study shows how pronoun use and
Verstehen braucht mehr als Worte
ORF Austria: Zwei aktuelle Studien betonen die wichtige Rolle des körperlichen Kontextes, beim Begreifen von Inhalten sowie bei der Wahrnehmung von Gesichtsausdrücken. Breites Ausdrucksrepertoire Sich mitteilen und einander zu verstehen, ist das Kernziel jeglicher zwischenmenschlichen