What Do Babies Have That Computers Don’t?
Machines are getting smarter, but they’re no match for human infants — APS William James Fellow Linda B. Smith explains why.
Artificial intelligence thinks your face is full of data. Could it actually unmask you?
Each January, some 4,500 companies descend upon Las Vegas for the psychological marathon known as the Consumer Electronics Show, or CES. The 2019 festivities were much like any other. Companies oversold their ideas. Attendees tweeted
Seeing Psychological Science Everywhere
APS President Barbara G. Tversky celebrates the impact of psychological science in art, engineering, and other domains.
Artificial intelligence has learned to probe the minds of other computers
Anyone who’s had a frustrating interaction with Siri or Alexa knows that digital assistants just don’t get humans. What they need is what psychologists call theory of mind, an awareness of others’ beliefs and desires.
How researchers are teaching AI to learn like a child
It’s a Saturday morning in February, and Chloe, a curious 3-year-old in a striped shirt and leggings, is exploring the possibilities of a new toy. Her father, Gary Marcus, a developmental cognitive scientist at New
Intelligent Machines That Learn Like Children
Machines that learn like children provide deep insights into how the mind and body act together to bootstrap knowledge and skills. Deon, a fictional engineer in the 2015 sci-fi film Chappie, wants to create a