Coronavirus Might Worsen The College Mental Health Crisis: Can Apps Help?
Despite what many public health experts might advise, some colleges are set to open in person soon and with that comes a new round of mental health needs in an already taxed student population. Prior
When Things Aren’t OK With a Child’s Mental Health
Last week, to write about the risks of summer — the recurring safety issues of children being out in the sun, or near the water, I talked to safety-minded pediatric emergency room doctors about what was worrying
Coronavirus Turmoil Raises Depression Risks in Young Adults
“A number of kids are expressing that these are supposed to be the best years—high school and college—the most free years,” says Anne Marie Albano, a professor of medical psychology in psychiatry at Columbia University
Among People Facing Food Insecurity, Researchers Find a Hidden Health Issue: Eating Disorders
When Carolyn Black Becker, a psychologist who studies eating disorders, used to explain her research to colleagues, she would get blank stares. The field, after all, was disproportionately focused on young girls and women who
The Following News Release Contains Potentially Disturbing Content: Trigger Warnings Fail to Help and May Even Harm
New research confirms trigger warnings have little or no benefit.
Groundbreaking UW Study: Transgender Kids’ Gender Identity is as Strong as That of Cisgender Children
Gender identity is as strong in transgender children as it is in cisgender children (those who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth), no matter how long a child has been treated as