Dosage Dilemma: Unpacking Meditation App Science
Podcast: In this episode, host Özge Gürcanlı Fischer Baum teams up with Simon Goldberg from the University of Wisconsin to explore a critical question: “How does the “dosage” of meditation app use impact mental health outcomes?
Understanding the Mechanisms Behind Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
A new paper in Clinical Psychological Science highlights virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) as an effective option and explores how it may work.
Resilience in Black Americans Spans Multiple Levels of Support
A new study shows that supports at the individual, relational, and community levels work together to foster resilience, expanding notions of mental health interventions.
Exploring Decision Making in People with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
OCD can be treated, but people with the disorder tend to have a lower quality of life than neurotypical people. A recent study theorized that decision making could be, at least partly, to blame.
Heart Rates and Step Counts: A Novel Approach to Eating Disorder Care
Podcast: In this episode, Under the Cortex explores how commonly used technology, such as heart rate monitors and step counters, can be used to understand binge-eating episodes.
Midlife-Onset Alcohol Dependence: Causes and Consequences
Podcast: What drives the onset of alcohol dependence in midlife? How does it present unique challenges, and what strategies can help when it disrupts the lives of individuals and their families? Under the Cortex explores.