APS to Launch New Research Methods and Practices Journal

APS is launching a new journal to serve as the home for dissemination and discussion of new developments in research methodology and practices.
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science will publish new types of empirical work along with articles and tutorials on research practices, methods, and conduct. An explicit part of the journal’s mission is to encourage integration of methodological and analytical questions across multiple branches of psychological science. Other types of articles that the new journal aims to publish include large-scale studies using new and innovative methodologies, statistical techniques, and modeling; best-practices papers; multi-lab antagonistic collaborations designed to resolve a theoretical disagreement; multi-lab studies beyond the scope of single labs; and more. The journal also will become the new home of APS’s innovative Registered Replication Reports, currently published in Perspectives on Psychological Science.
APS President Susan Goldin-Meadow said: “This will be a unique publication for our field, one that is designed to make methodological advances accessible to researchers across areas. It reflects APS’s leadership in efforts to bolster psychological science through innovation and methodological advances.”
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