Comment By 1/16: Draft Research Plan for Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder: Interventions

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPTF) is seeking input on its Draft Research Plan for Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder: Interventions, and welcomes psychological scientists, as members of the public, to submit comments by January 16, 2019.

USPTF is a panel of experts which systematically reviews the evidence of effectiveness and develops recommendations for clinical preventive services. Specifically, the draft research plans which USPTF creates are initial documents which guide USPTF’s future systematic reviews of evidence.

This is one of two key opportunities to comment on USPTF’s efforts related to interventions for the prevention of opioid use disorder. After seeking feedback on the Draft Research Plan, the USPTF will revise the research plan according to the comments received, conduct the specified research, and then draft a recommendation statement or evidence review, which it will also then circulate for feedback. The USPTF will then make a final recommendation statement or provide a final evidence statement.

Learn more about USPTF’s process here. To see this opportunity for comment and others, click here.

Read USPTF’s Draft Research Plan for Prevention of Opioid Use Disorder: Interventions and provide a comment here.

Comments are due by January 16, 2019.

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