Articles Containing “Anthony Kelly” — 12 result(s)

Adeyemi Adetula Flavio Azevedo Emorie Beck Margaret E. Beier Lizbeth Bensen Mindy E. Bergman Kent C. Berridge Jeffrey Birk Alia Braley Briana Brownlow Jennifer A. Bugos Meghan Cain Susan T. Charles William J. Chopik Geoffrey

2022-2023 President: Kunalan Manokara Past President: Serena Zadoorian Communications and Marketing Officer: Hannah Eneix Graduate Advocate: Ryan Hodge Undergraduate Advocate: Brianna Sadighian Membership and Volunteers Officer: Bria Gresham Student Notebook Editor: Doroteja Rubez Student Awards

In case there was any doubt, the future of psychological science is in good hands. We present another installment of “Rising Stars,” the series profiling exemplars of today’s young psychological researchers. Here we profile international