Articles Containing “Walter Mischel” — 143 result(s)

Every year the holidays put us grownups through the same wringer. Sometime late in December, we remember that the “holiday spirit” is really not about eager anticipation and indulgence; it is about controlling ourselves, resisting

­­­Science walks forward on two feet, namely theory and experiment … Sometimes it is one foot that is put forward first, sometimes the other, but continuous progress is only made by the use of both.

I greatly appreciated APS President Walter Mischel’s Column “The Toothbrush Problem” (Observer, Vol. 21, No. 11) describing the tendency of science professors, especially those not yet tenured, to produce needless new models and explanations for

Dan Ariely, Duke University, NPR (Marketplace), May 4, 2009: Predictably Irrational. Ozlem N. Ayduk, University of California, Berkeley, The New Yorker, May 18, 2009: Don’t! The secret of self-control Emily Balcetis, Ohio University, Scientific American