Articles Containing “Alan Kraut” — 203 result(s)

Then: The First APS Convention: 1,000 Strong The following appeared in the July 1989 Observer. In what one attendee called a “psychology Woodstock,” over a thousand psychological scientists and scientist-practitioners attended the historic first convention

In honor of the 20th Anniversary of APS, we have created a special area of the website devoted to celebrating the last 20 years of APS history. This section features an interactive timeline of APS

Apple-picking, leaf piles, and pumpkins — all things that come with fall here in the East. But there’s another thing that’s synonymous with fall hereabouts: the annual Congressional scramble to pass the federal budget that

The Observer recently invited our charter members to share their memories of APS. What was happening at the founding of the Association? What prompted them to join and remain loyal members for 20 years. Here