New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on harsh parenting and antisocial behavior, emotion-based attitudes, political extremity, misogynistic tweets and domestic violence, perception of crowds’ emotions, computation of speech, sign language, and the influence of learning to read on face recognition.
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on neonatal imitation, the shared-attention system, social interaction in autism, the correct use of p values, the development of executive function, mindfulness interventions, Duchenne smiles, and neurodiversity and mental functioning.
Don’t Ditch the Laptop Just Yet: Replication Finds No Immediate Advantage to Writing Notes by Hand
Attempts to replicate previous studies suggest writing notes by hand may offer no benefit over typing.
Missing the Crowd for the Faces: The Crowd-Emotion-Amplification Effect
How good are we at reading crowds’ emotions? Research indicates that individuals tend to focus their attention on the faces that exhibit the most extreme emotions, leading them to overestimate the crowd’s actual emotional state. These findings have implications for public speaking as well as for controlling crowd demonstrations.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on anxiety and preference for immediate rewards, the role of social processes in delusions, machine learning and suicide research, thought conditioning, dissemination of best practices by clinicians, emotion regulation flexibility, racial discrimination and metal health, and memory in PTSD.
Opinions and Attitudes Can Last When They Are Based on Emotion
Emotionality can create enduring opinions, shedding new light on the factors that make attitudes last.