From: Huffington Post

Awe Slows Down Time, Boosts Life Satisfaction: Study

Huffington Post:

Think back to your last jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring moment — was it gazing across vast stretches of ocean, or into the deep voids of a canyon?

A new study in the journal Psychological Science shows that those feelings of awe seem to slow down time and boost feelings of life satisfaction.

“…Awe offset the feeling that time is limited, which increased willingness to volunteer time, accentuated preferences for experiential goods, and lifted satisfaction with life,” the researchers, from Stanford University and the University of Minnesota, wrote in the study.

The study included three experiments. In the first, which included 63 students, researchers found that study participants were more likely to report feeling like they had plenty of time when they watched a video of awe-inspiring scenes, compared with a video of happy scenes.

Read the whole story: Huffington Post

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