Articles Containing “Leah Nelson” — 7 result(s)

Collected summaries of articles published in the APS journals about technology and psychological science, exploring subjects such as artificial intelligence, human-machine interactions, algorithms and machine learning, and web-based apps.  Psychological Science Clinical Psychological Science &nbsp

The editorial team at Currents Directions in Psychological Science wishes to acknowledge the invaluable aid provided by reviewers of manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2016. We are deeply grateful for their generous, conscientious, knowledgeable

The editorial team at Clinical Psychological Science wishes to acknowledge the invaluable aid provided by reviewers of manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2016. We are deeply grateful for their generous, conscientious, knowledgeable, and constructive

The editorial team at Psychological Science wishes to acknowledge the invaluable aid provided by reviewers of manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2016. We are deeply grateful for their generous, conscientious, knowledgeable, and constructive help.

Leah H. Somerville Harvard University What is the focus of your award-winning research? My lab’s research focuses on understanding the neurodevelopmental contributions to adolescents’ motivated, emotional, and social behavior. Adolescence is a phase of the