What Causes Déjà Vu?
It’s an eerie feeling: You walk into a place you know you’ve never been before but are overwhelmed by a sense of familiarity—a memory you can’t quite reach. Has this all happened before? Most people
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on audience characteristics in eliciting amusement, visual working memory, the effect of underestimating counterparts’ learning goals, misplaced barriers to asking for help, face-information sampling, and much more.
You’ve Probably Seen Yourself in Your Memories
Pick a memory. It could be as recent as breakfast or as distant as your first day of kindergarten. What matters is that you can really visualize it. Hold the image in your mind. Now
The July Collection: Five Research Briefs
From a cross-cultural spin on the classic “marshmallow experiment” to deceitful 911 homicide calls to what true smiles do, new research in APS journals explores a broad range of topics, including visual memory and success. In this episode of Under the Cortex, APS’s Ludmila Nunes and Andy DeSoto discuss five of our most interesting new research papers.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on perceptual learning, prejudice, how the mind represents physical states, moralistic punishment, feelings, blindness and visual memory, perceptions of threat, and spatial navigation and reorientation.
Expect the Unexpected: Why We Process Surprising Objects More Deeply
We tend to pay greater attention to incongruent objects, making us less likely to remember details about and changes to congruent objects.