People Who Value Virtue Show Wiser Reasoning
We’re often better at working through our friends’ problems than our own—but people who are motivated to develop the best in themselves and others don’t show this bias.
School Principals Shape Students’ Values Via School Climate
Principals’ values are linked with aspects of school climate which are, in turn, linked with students’ own values, research shows.
Motivating Eco-Friendly Behaviors Depends on Cultural Values
The specific cultural values of a country may determine whether concern about environmental issues actually leads individuals to engage in environmentally friendly behaviors.
Who Blames the Victim?
The New York Times: IF you are mugged on a midnight stroll through the park, some people will feel compassion for you, while others will admonish you for being there in the first place. If
Kelly McGonigal: Teaching the Values of Psychological Science
Recorded in May 2016 at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science in Chicago, Illinois.
Remember, Money Doesn’t Have to Be the Root of All Evil
The New York Times: It may cost more than $100 million, but many social problems could be alleviated with the creative infusion of cash. Compensating organ donors could increase the supply of organs and save