The Upside to Embarrassment
National Geographic: If you’re the sort of person who turns red at the mere thought of committing a social faux pas, scientists have some reassuring news for you. A recent study by psychologists at the
Being Easily Embarrassed Could Make You More Trustworthy
The Huffington Post: Easily embarrassed? That could make you more trustworthy, a new study suggests. People who are easily embarrassed — not to be confused with people with social anxiety or constant feelings of shame
Easily Embarrassed? Others Trust You More, Study Shows
LiveScience: The next time you blush after tripping over your own feet in public, don’t try to hide it — a new study finds that showing your embarrassment actually makes other people view you as
Troy Davis Execution Fuels Eyewitness ID Debate
NPR: Before he was executed in Georgia last week, Troy Davis brought worldwide attention to his case by challenging the trustworthiness of bystanders who said they saw him shoot a police officer. Davis lost the
Four Year Olds Know That Being Right is Not Enough
As they grow, children learn a lot about the world from what other people tell them. Along the way, they have to figure out who is a reliable source of information. A new study, which
Cook: The importance of trusting your instincts
Statesman: Are humans liberal or conservative by nature? Scientists have started to provide provocative answers by looking at the roots of morality. Influential psychologist Jonathan Haidt surveyed the world’s cultures and suggested that virtually everyone