New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A series of articles highlighting diverse perspectives on the prevalence and reliability of recovered memories of abuse.
Jazmine Barnes Case Shows How Trauma Can Affect Memory
Imagine being held up at gunpoint. Do you trust you could remember the perpetrator’s face? The gun? Or would you have a better recollection of how loud the birds were chirping at that moment? “The
Another Mass Shooting? ‘Compassion Fatigue’ Is A Natural Reaction
Roger Chui first learned about the mass shooting that killed 12 people in a packed bar Wednesday night in Thousand Oaks, Calif., when he woke up the morning after and turned on his phone. “And
Harvard Psychology Professor Discusses How Trauma Affects Memory
NPR’s Ari Shapiro speaks with clinical psychologist Richard McNally about memory retention following traumatic events in light of the sexual assault accusations brought against Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring: pain and opioid misuse in children; meta-awareness of emotional attention; complicated grief and posstraumatic growth; intolerance of uncertainty and aggression; and central sensitization.
Memory, Science, and a Supreme Court Nomination
Memory researchers provide scientific perspectives on the assault allegations facing a US Supreme Court nominee.