Teaching: Roots of Science Denial / Benefits of Sleep
APS Teaching Fund Showcase
Three teams of researchers—studying accessible statistics, outreach on implicit bias, and undergraduate animal studies—share highlights from their work.
Teaching: Personality Stability and Change / Building Cultures of Sustainability
“Understanding Personality Stability and Change” by C. Nathan DeWall; “Building New Cultures of Sustainability” by David G. Myers.
NITOP: Promoting Teaching That Matters (Even in a Pandemic)
The pivot to online learning has sparked fresh ideas for the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, the annual conference dedicated to answering just that question.
Teaching: How We Learn to Write / Adversity and Rumination
“How Do We Learn to Write?” by Cindi May and Michael Scullin; “The Toxic Stress Stew: Adversity + Reactivity + Rumination + Time” by David G. Myers
APS Microgrants Fund Innovative Teaching Projects
One project will compare the effectiveness asynchronous online courses. Another uses livestreaming from head-mounted cameras to facilitate blended lab collaboration.