How To Defuse a Hateful Slur
I grew up in a town, and a time, with a great deal of racial and ethnic tension, and I heard hateful slurs constantly at school. African-Americans, then politely called Negroes, were disparaged as niggers
A Vaccination Against Social Prejudice
Evolutionary psychologists suspect that prejudice is rooted in survival: Our distant ancestors had to avoid outsiders who might have carried disease. Research still shows that when people feel vulnerable to illness, they exhibit more bias
It’s flu season. Watch your prejudices.
I tried not to breathe too much on the elevator this morning. I was trying to avoid the germs of a fellow who clearly had the flu—or at least a nasty cold. There seems to
Understanding Mind-Body Influences
Wendy Berry Mendes focuses her research on embodiment — how the mind and body reciprocally influence each other. Specifically, she looks at how the brain and body experience emotions, stress, and motivation and how physical
Stigma, His and Hers
The mentally ill don’t get a fair shake in this country. Many employers don’t want to hire them, and health insurers don’t want to pay for their treatment. Even within their own communities and families
This Stigma of Obesity
Linda Bartoshuk University of Florida In the food and health sciences, the medical effects of obesity are well-documented and well-publicized. But, just as obesity may be associated with a variety of health issues, it