Why Is Everyone Else Having More Fun? Part 2 of 3 With David Myers
Social psychologist David Myers joined Under the Cortex to speak about his new book and why we tend to think that everyone else is having more fun than us.
How Do We Know Ourselves? Part 1 of 3 With David Myers
Social psychologist David Myers joined APS’s Ludmila Nunes to speak about his career, his new book, and how we really do know ourselves.
2023 APS Lifetime Achievement Awards Honor 13 Psychological Scientists
The association’s highest honors recognize psychological scientists for a broad range of contributions to psychological research and the field.
Psychedelic Research Reborn: Opening the Doors of Creativity and Social Connection
A resurgence of research into psychedelics has renewed interest in their potential impact on creativity and social connectedness.
How to Actually Change Someone’s Mind
Raise your hand if you’ve recently engaged in an insult-slinging argument that started as an attempt at a civil discussion about some hot-button issue. Many of us have, and with high-stakes elections looming, the already fiery
It’s Gotten Awkward to Wear a Mask
Last week, just a couple of hours into a house-sitting stint in Massachusetts for my cousin and his wife, I received from them a flummoxed text: “Dude,” it read. “We are the only people in