When Equality Loses
Despite our inclination to believe equality within a team or group is important, new research suggests that a built-in hierarchy leads to fewer group conflicts and higher productivity. The research finds a team or group
Study of the Day: ‘Diversity’ Has Become a Useless Concept
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Initially, diversity pertained to inclusiveness toward historically disadvantaged groups. How far have people strayed from this original denotation? METHODOLOGY: Researchers led by Miguel Unzueta of the University of California, Los Angeles, designed
Your Complicated Amygdala: Why Brain-Imaging Work Is Misleading
The Atlantic: Brain-imaging studies have been painting an overly-simplistic picture of the how the brain works. It has even filtered into TV programming. In one episode of a popular legal drama, a character claimed to
The Ever-Expanding Definition of “Diversity”
Diversity has become a goal for all sorts of institutions—but its exact meaning may depend on the ideology of the person you’re talking to.
How the Military Can Change Personalities, Slightly
Miller-McCune: What life experience is more immersive than marriage, more prolonged than college, more tightly regimented than the average job? Ah yes — military service, which starts with recruiters boldly announcing their intention to make
Wird man beim Bund zum Mann?
bild der wissenschaft: Das Militär prägt die Persönlichkeit – und umgekehrt “Die Bundeswehr lässt junge Kerle zu echten Männern reifen” – dieser Ausspruch hat offenbar einen wahren Kern, zumindest wenn man “Männlichkeit” auf der Basis