Different Views of Individual Differences
Only gradually over time has it has dawned on me that most cognitive psychologists, including myself, view individual differences in how people learn and remember in a markedly different way than do many laypersons and
Human Factors 101: How About Just Trying Things Out?
While I was staring at my iMAC screen pondering options for this month’s column, one of my favorite images, a self-portrait by Norman Rockwell, came to mind. In the portrait, we see Rockwell from behind
Psychology in a Post-Genomics
The draft DNA sequence of the human genome was announced in June 2000, two years ahead of schedule. Some party-poopers grumble that the four nucleotide letters that constitute the DNA alphabet are not GATC, but
Toward One World of Psychological Science
Editor’s Note: In the May/June issue, a column by Bjork and Ceci listed several individuals involved in developing reports for APS’s new journal, Psychological Science in the Public Interest. The editorial team led by Keith