How to Talk to Your Children About Protests and Racism
As cities and social media explode with anger over the killing of yet another black man at the hands of police, worried parents struggle with how to protect their children from seeing the worst of
Racism: Further Considerations from Psychological Science
A look at several researchers who have studied racism in recent years. Collectively, they address the nature of racism and the social processes that maintain it; examine the issues of structural and institutional racism; explore the consequences of various forms of racism; and suggest possible paths of action to combat racism.
APS Statement on Confronting Racism and Discrimination
APS statement to the membership on confronting racism and discrimination.
Being ‘Merely Tolerated’ May Put Minority Members at Risk
The implied disapproval that accompanies being tolerated may exact a toll on individual well-being.
Fear of Being Branded Racist Increases Police Support for Excessive Force
It’s a tense time for racial relations, particularly when it comes to relationships between minority communities and the police departments that patrol them. Many officers are acutely aware of the stereotype of the racist cop, and are concerned that they
Want to Be Less Racist? Move to Hawaii
Kristin Pauker still remembers her uncle’s warning about Dartmouth. “It’s a white institution,” he said. “You’re going to feel out of place.” Dr. Pauker, who is now a psychology professor, is of mixed ancestry, her