Allergies or Sickness? Unraveling the Mystery of Concealing Infectious Diseases
Podcast: In this episode, Under the Cortex hosts Wilson Merrell to discuss disease concealment and the factors that contribute to it.
From Resistance to Recovery
Stigma about mental health treatment is a major contributor to the world’s mental health crisis, policy experts say. Psychological research is uncovering strategies that persuade people to seek help.
Tackling the Force of Habit
How much of our behavior is habitual? APS President Wendy Wood and her colleagues answered this question on April 16 during “Habits and Behavior Change—A Case Study of Digital Technology,” an APS Science for Society webinar. The webinar is now available for registrants and APS members.
Discerning Discoveries
New research shows why people often read more into a scientific finding than what the data might show.
Community Engagement in Psychological Research
Podcast: As experts in the field, Patricia Rodriguez Espinosa and Luz Garcini share their ideas and best practices about how to center community voices in psychological research.
Disinformation Is the Real Threat to Democracy and Public Health
Disinformation is the coin of the modern realm. Vaccine denial, climate denial, election denial and war-crime denial have joined the grotesque denial of the Holocaust in the ranks of dishonesties now regularly foisted on the