Psychological Science Needs the Entire Globe, Part 2
In doing the research necessary for generalizable psychological science, the field must confront the inconvenient realities of where the science must take place.
Sex, Drugs, and Genes: Moral Attitudes Share a Genetic Basis
By studying both identical and fraternal twins, researchers suggest that largely the same heredity factors that influence openness to casual sex also influence a person’s moral views toward recreational drug use.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on optimism prescriptions, mental logout and social media, stress and cognitive effort, perceptual decision-making, the ego-depletion effect, the effect of replications on citations, scientific consensus and false beliefs, and anterograde amnesia.
Sandra Wood Scarr, 1936–2021
APS Past President Sandra Wood Scarr, a pioneer in the study of intellectual development and a 1993 recipient of the APS James McKeen Cattell Award, died on October 8, 2021.
Understanding ‘Scientific Consensus’ May Correct Misperceptions About GMOs, but Not Climate Change
Explaining the meaning of “scientific consensus” may counter false beliefs about the safety of genetically modified foods. This same approach, however, is less effective in convincing skeptics that climate change is real and caused by humans.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on aging, meditation and yoga, school punishment, acculturation, face-based judgments, auditory perception, working memory, and immigration.