So You Reached Your Goal. Now What?
… Goal setting is part of how we demarcate time, said Dr. Katy Milkman, a behavioral scientist at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of “How to Change.” … It’s normal to feel a
What Can A Personality Test Tell Us About Who We Are?
In one of the most famous scenes from the Harry Potter series, a group of kids, new to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, line up before an old and crumpled wizard’s hat. It
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring: mind-body practices and self-enhancement; early gender differences in core values and career orientation; and gender differences in online daters’ educational preferences.
School Principals Shape Students’ Values Via School Climate
Principals’ values are linked with aspects of school climate which are, in turn, linked with students’ own values, research shows.
The Heart of the Matter
What do I value most? It’s a question that comes up frequently in the context of big life decisions, whether we’re deciding what subject to major in, which passions we should focus our efforts on
The Paradox of the Free-Market Liberal
The New York Times: IN American politics, personality is, supposedly, destiny: Having a conservative personality makes us conservative on economic and social policy, and vice versa for liberals. Think of the stereotypes: the free-spending, libertine