How Our Bodies Do – and Don’t – Shape Our Minds
Individuals’ bodies and their abilities to act within their environments shape their perceptions of their surroundings, says psychological scientist Jessica Witt, Colorado State University. Witt discussed the psychophysics experiments she’s conducted to demonstrate these perceptions during one of four presentations in a Presidential Symposium chaired by Susan Goldin-Meadow.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring perceived misalignment between limb and body movement and links between schooling and children’s cognitive control.
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Featured Articles: “Understanding Mind From Matter: What Does Prehistoric Farming Say About Your Prefrontal Cortex?” and “To Err Is Human: The Psychological Science of Voting Mistakes”
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the role of meaning in semantic priming, the two-body inversion effect, and abstract-concept learning in several animal species.
A neuroscientist explains: how we perceive the truth
The Guardian: This week, Observer Magazine columnist and neuroscientist Dr Daniel Glaser speaks to University College London’s Professor Nilli Lavie about perception. How do we perceive our visual world? Can this be affected by higher cognitive
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the emergence of abstract grammatical categories in children’s speech, the development of a sense of body ownership, and adaptable categorization of hands and tools among prosthesis users.