New Research From Psychological Science
The best doesn’t exist. A psychologist explains why we can’t stop searching.
Given that we live in a consumer culture where you can get anything — a T-shirt, fancy whiskey, blood pressure medication — delivered to your door within hours, it is surprisingly difficult to buy things.
Oh my: a psychological approach to awe – Science Weekly podcast
When it comes to emotions, words such as joy, anger and disgust immediately spring to mind. But in recent years, psychologists have been turning their attention to a lesser-studied emotion: awe. Whether it’s a breathtaking
Klatzky, Bonanno, MacCoun Honored With 2019 APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award
APS Past Treasurer Roberta L. Klatzky and APS Fellows George A. Bonanno and Robert J. MacCoun have received the 2019 APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award.
The Illusion of Multitasking Boosts Performance
A series of experiments suggests that merely believing that we’re multitasking may boost our performance by making us more engaged in the tasks at hand.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring advice giving and motivation, mechanisms underlying face and expression processing impairments in autism, and visual perception in peripersonal space.