Sticks and Stones: A New Study on Social and Physical Pain
We all know the famous saying: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” but is this proverb actually true? According to some researchers, words may pack a harder punch
New Study Explains why the Future is More Important than the Past
With all due respect to History teachers, people generally give events that have yet to come more value than those that have already happened. This way of thinking is far from illogical; the future is
Back to the Future: Psychologists Examine Children’s Mental Time Traveling Abilities
Planning and anticipating occur so frequently in our everyday lives that it is hard to imagine a time when we didn’t have this capability. But just as many other capacities develop, so does this mental
Are Humans Hardwired for Fairness?
Is fairness simply a ruse, something we adopt only when we secretly see an advantage in it for ourselves? Many psychologists have in recent years moved away from this purely utilitarian view, dismissing it as
Is Happiness Having What You Want, Wanting What You Have, or Both?
Most people want to be happier. Psychological theories on happiness generally contend that happiness depends on the extent to which people have what they want. For example, most people want money, and those who make
Are You My Mother? Transference More Pronounced When We are Tired.
Sigmund Freud hailed the phenomenon of transference as fundamental to the process of dynamic psychotherapy. Freud depicted transference as a false connection between patient’s memories of a past relationship and the therapeutic context. He noted