Brain Scans Reveal That Loneliness Changes the Way We View the World
Humans are meant to be around one another. It’s been that way for millennia. We needed each other to hunt, construct homes, procreate, care for our offspring and protect one another against the saber-toothed tigers
Loneliness Across the Globe: A Life-Span Approach
Podcast: Under the Cortex hosts Samia Akther Khan, King’s College London, whose research examines the feeling of loneliness across lifespan.
2 Eye-Opening Findings That Challenge Our Perception of Loneliness
We don’t need science to tell us that being around our loved ones is good for our health, but it’s nice when research confirms our experience. A 2023 paper published in Science Advances found that people who had stronger
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on statistical learning within objects, the effects of acute stress on learning and decision-making, aging-associated declines in cognition, reconsidering belief in contradictory conspiracy theories, and much more.
Careers Up Close: Katie Ehrlich on Studying Intergenerational Health Disparities, Finding Your Footing, and Helping Others Succeed
An associate professor at the University of Georgia, Katie Ehrlich researches how social experiences as a child can shape mental and physical health across the lifespan.
Loneliness Poses Profound Public Health Threat, Surgeon General Says
Loneliness presents a profound public health threat akin to smoking and obesity, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy warned in an advisory issued Tuesday that aims to rally Americans to spend more time with each other in