Boost Your Body Acceptance For Better Health
We all can feel the effects of weight stigma, no matter what our size. In this episode, we help you feel good about the body you’re living in and give strategies to improve your health
How The Stigma Against Obesity Harms People’s Health
If you’re one of the nearly 40 percent of Americans who are obese, you don’t need anyone to explain the associated stigma; you’ve probably experienced it in some form or another — jokes about your
If You Feel Thankful, Write It Down. It’s Good For Your Health
Over this past year, lifestyle blogger Aileen Xu has kept a monthly gratitude list. Sometimes it was the big stuff: “I’m grateful that my family is so understanding. I’m grateful so many people care.” And
Shake It Off; Dr. Maria Kovacs on Mood and Depression
Shake it Off Have you ever had a bad mood you just couldn’t shake? Everyone feels grouchy or irritable some days. But a bad mood or major mood swings that go on too long may
Is our constant use of digital technologies affecting our brain health? We asked 11 experts.
With so many of us now constantly tethered to digital technology via our smartphones, computers, tablets, and even watches, there is a huge experiment underway that we didn’t exactly sign up for. Companies like Google
Why it’s healthy to sing this holiday season
One of the highlights of Katy Cadman’s week is conducting two-hour-long MomChoir practice sessions with more than 50 other women. When all the voices come together for a song such as All I want for