Greenery (or Even Photos of Trees) Can Make Us Happier
The New York Times: A growing body of research shows that people who spend time outside in sunny, green and natural spaces tend to be happier and healthier than those who don’t. A study from
Can Money Buy You Happiness?
NPR: Social scientist Michael Norton researches how money can buy happiness — when you don’t spend it on yourself. The key is social spending that benefits not just you, but other people. Michael Norton is
A Stanford scientist says we’re all suffering from ‘successaholism’ — and it needs to stop
Business Insider: In her new book, “The Happiness Track,” Emma Seppala explains why happiness often paves the way for professional success. Unfortunately, she says, many workers have it backward, thinking that they need to be
Valuing your time over money may be linked to happiness
CNN: Would you prefer a more expensive apartment with a shorter commute or a less expensive apartment with a long commute? That’s one of the many real world questions researchers at the University of British
Want to do something good for your health? Try being generous.
The Washington Post: Every day, we are confronted with choices about how to spend our money. Whether it’s thinking about picking up the tab at a group lunch or when a charity calls asking for
5 Ways to Maintain Your Vacation Happiness
U.S. News & World Report: After returning from a great trip – be it a quick coastal getaway or a more far-flung retreat – it’s easy to reminisce about our most remarkable travel moments. Whether