This 1 Tiny To-Do Can Boost Your Happiness Today
When a task isn’t urgent, it’s easy to keep procrastinating. Scheduling a doctor’s appointment or dusting your bookshelf can end up sitting on a to-do list for days, even weeks, despite taking only a few minutes to
Doing Good is Good For You, Research Shows
If you want to increase your happiness and well-being, spend your money, time or energy on someone else. Research consistently finds that acts of altruism, such as donating money, volunteering or giving blood, benefit both
How Soulmate Parenting Can Lead to Parent-Child Estrangement
It’s easy to sympathize with both my patient and her son. With the son for having suffered more than he might have with earlier intervention. With the mother for believing she had failed him and
Buy Happiness—by Giving Your Money Away
Next time you’re feeling stressed, try giving some money away. Generosity is a powerful drug even in small doses. Donations to a worthy cause or acts of kindness to friends give your mind and body
30 Essential Tips For Living a Longer, Happier, More Successful Life With No Regrets
The anti-aging market is littered with innovative products and procedures that promise consumers a healthier, happier, longer life. Some pursuits, like cryotherapy or what the industry refers to as photorejuvenation, are more experimental. Others, like New
The No. 1 Most Critical Thing That Keeps Us Happier and Healthier—And 3 ‘Surprisingly Simple’ Ways to Get Started
When I’m sitting with a stressed-out patient in my office and I raise the importance of healthy relationships, they almost always intellectually understand. Of course they do! They’re brilliant! And they want to please me.