Text Your Friends. It Matters More Than You Think.
Calling, texting or emailing a friend just to say “hello” might seem like an insignificant gesture — a chore, even, that isn’t worth the effort. Or maybe you worry an unexpected check-in wouldn’t be welcome
It’s Your Friends Who Break Your Heart
It is an insolent cliché, almost, to note that our culture lacks the proper script for ending friendships. We have no rituals to observe, no paperwork to do, no boilerplate dialogue to crib from. Yet
Why Workplace Frenemies are Our Most Stressful Colleagues
Among immediate colleagues, it’s easy to spot two groups of people: genuine friends, who make each workday a little brighter; and sworn enemies – the people who will deliberately make your life hard for no
Chemistry Between People: A Sum of Their Connections
Have you ever felt a special “spark” with someone—an intense bond with a potential partner, friend, or colleague? If so, you probably thought you experienced “chemistry.” Literary references to interpersonal chemistry appeared as early as 1590
The Friendship Checkup: How to Reevaluate Relationships and Take Steps to Repair Them
As the pandemic has led us to reassess what’s important in our lives, many people have been reevaluating their friendships, reflecting on who they really value and which relationships are healthy or balanced. While the
Chemistry Between People: A Sum of Their Connections
Have you ever felt a special “spark” with someone—an intense bond with a potential partner, friend, or colleague? When individuals experience chemistry, they experience their interaction as something more than the sum of their separate contributions.