The Knowing Nose: Chemosignals Communicate Human Emotions
Many animal species transmit information via chemical signals — and humans may be among them, psychology researchers find.
Estimating Risk
BBC: How good at you at estimating risk? Claudia Hammond talks to Wolfgang Gaissmaier about his analysis of the increase in fatal car accidents in the USA following the 9/11 attacks Watch here: BBC
Phobia about holes is not officially recognized, but U.K. scientists look into it
The Washington Post: During an introductory psychology course at Britain’s University of Essex in 2009, Arnold Wilkins asked his class to participate in a quick experiment. Wilkins projected two images on a wall and asked
Nothing to fear but anxiety therapy itself
Brisbane Times: Putting on a brave face could actually make your fear worse, a study shows. An international expert on fear and phobias says her research has found it helps people to talk about their
Rx for Sisyphus: Take two Tylenol…
For the French philosopher and writer Albert Camus, the Greek myth of Sisyphus perfectly captured the human condition. Sisyphus was condemned to a life of meaningless activity—pushing a boulder up a hill again and again
The Emotional Citizen
Emotion trumps partisanship and ideology when people evaluate political candidates, Linda Isbell’s research shows.