New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on intelligence and mental speed, the link between sexualization and objectification, socioeconomic disparities in education, education and reasoning ability, the connection between social status and health, collective emotions, and the risk for depression.
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on innocence, false confessions, and wrongful convictions, the psychological study of art and aesthetics, new ways of reducing prejudice, and a psychometric model of emotions.
Liberals and Conservatives May Feel Moral Violations Differently
Individuals on the conservative and liberal ends of the political spectrum may ‘feel’ their feelings somewhat differently when their moral expectations are violated.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on moral concerns and emotional responses, how children use probability to infer happiness, and implicit gender bias in descriptions of expected elections results.
Four Ways Gratitude Helps You with Difficult Feelings
Feeling grateful can bring us a variety of benefits, including better mental and physical health and improved relationships. We tend to think of gratitude as an emotion we experience when things are going well, one that
Screaming Into The Void: How Outrage Is Hijacking Our Culture, And Our Minds
Social media changed after the 2016 presidential election. “I felt myself getting sucked into feedback loops where I would read something, I would feel outraged about it, [and] I would feel compelled to share it