Remember Me: Personal Legacy and Global Warming
The Huffington Post: Later this month, the UN’s International Panel on Climate Change will release its fifth and latest assessment of the scientific evidence regarding human interference in the world’s climate. Based on the working
Geteiltes Leid ist doppeltes Leid (Shared pain is double suffering)
Sueddeutsche: Geteiltes Leid ist halbes Leid? Im Gegenteil. Der angenudelte Spruch sollte dringend eine Auffrischung erfahren und künftig korrekt so lauten: Geteiltes Leid ist doppeltes Leid. Gut möglich, dass dieser Vorschlag die Zustimmung der drei
Are Women Better Decision Makers?
The New York Times: RECENTLY, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York said that if we want to fix the gridlock in Congress, we need more women. Women are more focused on finding common ground and
Is Powerlessness the Key to Successful Negotiation?
Leigh Steinberg, the real-life inspiration for the title character in the film Jerry Maguire, is one of the most successful agents in the history of American sports. He is also a master negotiator. It’s said
How You Make Decisions Says a Lot About How Happy You Are
The Wall Street Journal: I was witness to a tricky marital exchange last week, when my sister and her husband were trying to name their new red Labrador puppy. Rachel had spent hours trolling for
APS Members Lord and Shadlen Elected to Institute of Medicine
Catherine Lord, the DeWitt Senior Scholar and a professor of psychology in psychiatry and of psychology in pediatrics at Weill Cornell, and Michael N. Shadlen a professor of Neuroscience at Columbia University, were elected as