Identifying the Missing Pieces in the Study of Families
The study of families has largely focused on mothers and children despite assertions that more research on fathers is needed (Phares, 1992). One explanation is that mothers have traditionally performed the majority of care-giving duties
Why Your 4-Year-Old Is As Smart as Nate Silver
Slate: Everyone who spends time with children knows how incredibly much they learn. But how can babies and young children possibly learn so much so quickly? In a recent article in Science, I describe a
Changing the Way Child Abuse Is Investigated
Decades of investigating how children remember traumatic experiences could make a scientist bitter and cynical. But James McKeen Cattell Fellow Gail S. Goodman is optimistic her research will change children’s lives for the better. During
Mindful of Marshmallows
The Wall Street Journal: First developed by psychologist Walter Mischel, the now-famous “marshmallow test” found large differences in how long 4-year-olds could wait before consuming a treat—with self-control strongly linked to higher SAT scores and
Nature, nurture both affect kids’ self-control
Futurity: Being able to delay gratification—often considered a predictor of a child’s future success—is as much a question of environment as innate ability, a new study shows. For the past four decades, the “marshmallow test”
Scientific Inquiry Among the Preschool Set
The New York Times: When engaged in what looks like child’s play, preschoolers are actually behaving like scientists, according to a new report in the journal Science: forming hypotheses, running experiments, calculating probabilities and deciphering