Ten Tips for Developing a Programmatic Line of Research
“My research is about…” Many graduate students finish this sentence with a long, awkward pause and a deep sigh, followed by the admission that they have done a number of unrelated studies in order to
Stepping Into the Mix
I was introduced to interdisciplinary research during my very first lab meeting in graduate school in 1991. Judith Rodin, my first advisor, was leading a MacArthur Foundation network on Health-Promoting and Health-Damaging Behaviors, including the
High School Athletes Gain Lifetime Benefits
The New York Times: Ask a group of healthy college students in their 20s if they know what they had for lunch three days ago and you’re not likely to see many hands go up.
Spouse personality may affect career success
The Chicago Tribune: The personalities of husbands and wives may affect their spouses’ success at work, suggests a new study. Husbands and wives who were conscientious and helped create satisfying home lives for their spouses were
The Lisa Feldman Barrett lab
Science: Each year, Lisa Feldman Barrett sends a fresh crop of newly minted Ph.D.s and postdocs out into the scientific job market. She is a professor of social psychology and neuroscience at Northeastern University in Boston, and
Undergraduates’ Thoughts About Creative Success: Anecdotes From a Creativity Seminar
What do undergraduates think about how creative ability develops? It seems like a simple question, but it led to a sea change in my own scientific outlook. It also embodies an important example of the