Feeling Lonely? Your Brain May Process the World Differently
The U.S. is in the midst of a loneliness epidemic. For a lot of people, the feeling is even more pronounced during the holidays. In addition to the emotional impact of chronic loneliness, it has some
Brain Scans Reveal That Loneliness Changes the Way We View the World
Humans are meant to be around one another. It’s been that way for millennia. We needed each other to hunt, construct homes, procreate, care for our offspring and protect one another against the saber-toothed tigers
Trouble Achieving Goals? Why Your Brain Needs Reminders.
Many of us set goals, but sometimes we fail to achieve them. There is a way, though, to increase our chances of hitting our goals: Set reminders. “It’s quite hard to achieve our goals,” said Sam
Want to Be More Successful? Neuroscience Shows Embracing a Growth Mindset Actually Changes How Your Brain Functions
First, some background. If you aren’t familiar, research on achievement and success by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck shows that most people embrace — whether consciously or not — one of two mental perspectives where talent is concerned: The outcomes of embracing a fixed
The New Promise of Psychedelics
Recently there has been a remarkable renaissance of medical research into psychedelic drugs, which were widely banned a half-century ago. The risks and dangers of these drugs still need to be better understood, but it’s
Our Brains May Process Silence and Sounds the Same Way
Can you hear the sound of silence? It’s a question that may seem better suited to a philosophy class (or a Simon & Garfunkel concert) than a science lab, but a new study published today