Need Some Help Getting to Convention?
In case you were on the fence about whether to attend the APS Annual Convention, the APSSC is offering ways to cut down on the travel and registration costs. For volunteering and travel assistance, the
Introducing the 2012-13 APS Board
Your APS leaders for 2012-13: Joseph E. Steinmetz, of The Ohio State University, takes the helm as APS President. Douglas L. Medin, Northwestern University, becomes Immediate Past President and Elizabeth A. Phelps, New York University
Diverse Perspectives: APS Convention
APS Honors 2012 Award Recipients
The 24th Annual APS Convention kicked off with a ceremony honoring the recipients of its 2012 awards for 2012. APS President Douglas L. Medin of Northwestern University welcomed the nearly 4,000 psychological scientists attending the
James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowship 2012-2013 Recipients
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the James McKeen Cattell Fund Fellowships. The Fellowships are awarded yearly to North American university faculty committed to developing scientific research in psychology and its applications to
The Realities of Reason
Reasoning is an ability that comes naturally to most people, and this can be demonstrated, according to psychological scientist Philip Johnson-Laird, by the world-wide popularity of Sudoku puzzles. While some people might be better at