Treatment Could Provide Relief for Comorbid Depression and Anxiety
For people with anxiety and depression, these conditions can feel like two sides of the same coin. Researchers are exploring how interventions could help alleviate the ups and downs of both disorders.
10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Healthy in 2025
Are you feeling mentally ready for 2025? … Distancing yourself from your thoughts is also useful. Ethan Kross, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, has found that when people use the word
For Young Adults, Caregiving Isn’t Just Hard. It Can Shape You for Life
They’re young and in love. But she’s sick, and he’s her caregiver, and that means nothing else comes easy. … At this age, people typically explore new beliefs, relationships and friendships. It’s when you become
Waiting for a Test Result Can Be Brutal. Here’s How to Deal.
… Simply trying to zone out is particularly ineffective when you’re waiting for significant news, said Kate Sweeny, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, who studies the difficulty of waiting. So
Exposure Therapy Challenges Patient Expectations
Exposure therapy can help patients conquer their fears, but it isn’t effective for everyone. Researchers are exploring how this powerful intervention works and how it could benefit a wider range of patients.
How Acceptance Can Help With ATAR Anxiety as School Leavers Wait for Results
With exams over and schoolies celebrations wrapping up, the countdown is on for year 12s to find out how they performed — and whether they’ll get into their dream university courses. Students will receive their